The words and music of 347 Chasidic melodies, reflective, joyous, and soulful, comprise these carefully indexed and annotated volumes. With an essay by the Rebbe Yosef Yitzchak on the true meaning of music, specific interpretations of many of the melodies, source notes for each, and an index.
A new 3 volume set of chasidic sheet music, includes complete explanations & sources for the niggunim, songs that contains lyrics have the words displayed under the notes.
A new 3 volume set of chasidic sheet music, includes complete explanations & sources for the niggunim, songs that contains lyrics have the words displayed under the notes.
Chabad melodies, whether joyous or ecstatic or reflective, introduce a dimension beyond words or intellect, often bringing the inner soul to experience G-dliness.
Chabad melodies, whether joyous or ecstatic or reflective, introduce a dimension beyond words or intellect, often bringing the inner soul to experience G-dliness.
A new 3 volume set of chasidic sheet music, includes complete explanations & sources for the niggunim, songs that contains lyrics have the words displayed under the notes.
A new 3 volume set of chasidic sheet music, includes complete explanations & sources for the niggunim, songs that contains lyrics have the words displayed under the notes.