Chasidic Heritage Series 24 Volumes |
The Chasidic Heritage Series is an innovative learning tool that offers user-friendly translations of classic Chasidic discourses. The translations of these typically intricate discourses have been thoughtfully prepared to facilitate the readers thorough comprehension without assuming much prior knowledge. |
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Format:Chasidic Heritage Series
Knowledge and Faith, Veyodato Hayom |
Delivered on Shabbat Parshat Va`etchanan, Shabbat Nachamu, 5565 (1805), this discourse discusses the fundamental concept of faith in G-d as compared to the imperative to "know" G-D, and the differences between the two. |
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Format:Chasidic Heritage Series
Journey of the Soul - VaYoshet HaMelech L'Esther |
Drawing upon the parallel between Queen Esther`s impassioned plea to King Ahasuerus for salvation and the soul`s entreaty to G-d for help in its spiritual struggle, this discourse examines the root of the soul`s exile, and the dynamics by which it lifts itself from the grip of materialism and ultimately finds a voice with which to express its G-dly yearnings. |
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Format:Chasidic Heritage Series
Eternal Bond |
Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, delivered the text of this discourse in 1802 to probe the deeper, mystical dimension of the mitzvah of milah. The freshly translated, extensively annotated text is crowned by an original introduction that sets the entire discourse into context. |
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Format:Chasidic Heritage Series
Transforming the Inner Self |
This discourse presents a modern-day prespective on the Biblical command to offer animal sacrifices. Rabbi Schneur Zalman teaches us that each of us possess certain character traits that can lead a person as "animalistic," or materialistic, in nature, which can lead a person toward a life of material indulgence. |
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Format:Chasidic Heritage Series
Flames - Ki Atah Neri |
What's In a Flame? The Chanukah discourse Ki Atah Neri from Shaarei Orah employs the multiple images of the lamp, the oil, the wick and the different hues of the flame in order to express profound guidance in the divine service of every individual. |
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Format:Chasidic Heritage Series
Issa Bemidrash Tillim - Channeling the Divine |
Originally delivered by Rabbi Shalom DovBer Schneersohn, fifth Lubavitcher Rebbe, on the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah in 5634 (1873). The discourse`s main theme is the cosmic impact of performing the mitzvah of tefillin, and the special connection between this mitzvah and the age of Bar Mitzvah. |
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Format:Chasidic Heritage Series
Podoh BeSholom Nafshi - All for the Sake of Heaven |
The present Chasidic discourse speaks of the great transformation that a person can bring about by way of his interactions with the physical; how mortal man can unleash tremendous divine energy through a seemingly simple and mundane activity such as eating, drinking, and business dealings, so that these can be carried out truly for the sake of heaven. |
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Format:Chasidic Heritage Series
Exploring the Soul - V'Chol Odom 5679 (CHS) |
The current discourse, delivered by R. Shalom Dovber Schneersohn, fifth Lubavitcher Rebbe, on Shabbat Parashat Acharei, 5679 (1919), analyzes the biblican verse which forbids any human being from being present in the sanctuary when the High Priest entered to seek atonement. |
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Format:Chasidic Heritage Series
Overcoming Folly - Kuntres Umaayon |
Written in 1903 by the fifth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Shalom DovBer Schneersohn, of blessed memory, in response to the challenges of secularism and non-Jewish ideologies that faced Russian Jewry at that time, this is a book that looks deeply into the oldest battle man against his own evil inclination. |
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Format:Chasidic Heritage Series
Rosh HaShanah 5659 (CHS) |
On the second day of Rosh Hashanah in the year 5659 (1898), Rabbi Shalom Dovber Schneersohn, the fifth Rebbe of Chabad-Lubavitch, delivered a Chasidic discourse that marked the beginning of a series of teachings. During the High Holidays, Rabbi Shalom DovBer delivered two additional discourses, each expanding on themes introduced in the first. |
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Format:Chasidic Heritage Series
Principles of Education and Guidance |
In this thought-provoking analysis, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak teaches how to assess the potential of any pupil, how to objectively evaluate one`s own strengths, and how to successfully use reward and punishment - methods that will help one become a more effective educator. |
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Format:Chasidic Heritage Series
Victory of Light - Mitzvat Ner Chanukah 5738 |
Victory of Light is an exposition on the deeper significance of Chanukah, viewed through the lens of Chabad-Chasidism. Here, the Rebbe explains that the war of the Greeks was a spiritual one, aimed at eradicating the notion that Torah and mitzvot are holy, G-d given and Divine. |
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Format:Chasidic Heritage Series
Majestic Bride - Lecha Dodi 5689 & 5714 |
The Majestic Bride Consists of two discourses, the Majestic Bride analyzes the deeper dimension of the wedding ceremony. The Lubavitcher Rebbe Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson urged Chassidim to recite this discourse at their wedding celebrations. |
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Format:Chasidic Heritage Series
Garments of the Soul - Vayishlach Yehoshua 5736 |
The present publication contains: a discourse - Garments of the Soul; a talk: A Day of Strength; and a brief overview describing the events leading up to the 28th of Sivan, 5701 (1941). This day is now marked annually in Jewish communities around the world, celebrating the day on which the Rebbe began his decades-long revolutionary works of revitilizing Jewish life in the Western Hemisphere and across the globe. |
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Format:Chasidic Heritage Series
On the Essence of Chasidus |
This landmark discourse explores the contribution of the Chasidus to a far deeper and expanded understanding of Torah. The Rebbe analyzes the relationship Chasidus has with Kabbalah, the various dimensions of the soul, the concept of Moshiach and the Divine attributes. |
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Format:Chasidic Heritage Series
Staying the Course |
This work is a collection of discourses by the Chabad Rebbes on the unique bond that exists between Rebbe and Chasid that continues after the Rebbe`s passing. |
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Format:Chasidic Heritage Series
Art of Giving |
What`s the ideal way to give tzedakah? Specifically, is it best to give whatever we can at any given time regardless of the amount, or should we postpone our tzedakah giving until such time as we can afford to make a more sizable contribution? Or is neither approach necessarily preferable to the other? |
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Format:Chasidic Heritage Series
Tract On Prayer - Kuntres HaTefilah |
The Tract on Prayer is, in the words of Rabbi Sholom Dov Ber's son and successor, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Shneersohn, "a definitive guide to finding a balm and remedy for the maladies of the soul, and to developing one's faculties and abilities through genuine service." |
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Format:Chasidic Heritage Series
Simple Servant - UMikneh Rav 5666 |
The Simple Servant is part of the classic, legendary treatise known to Chasidim as hemshech Samach-Vov. This series of sixty-one discourses, delivered from the beginning of 5666 through the winter of 5668 (1905-1907), was revolutionary in its wealth of topics and profundity. |
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Format:Chasidic Heritage Series
Four Worlds |
At the core of our identity is the desire to be one with our source, and to know the spiritual realities that give our physical life the transcendental importance of the Torah`s imperatives. In this letter to a yearning Chasid, the Rebbe explains the mystical worlds of Atzilut, Beriah, Yetzirah, and Asiyah . |
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Format:Chasidic Heritage Series