Majestic Bride - Lecha Dodi 5689 & 5714 |
The Majestic Bride Consists of two discourses, the Majestic Bride analyzes the deeper dimension of the wedding ceremony. The Lubavitcher Rebbe Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson urged Chassidim to recite this discourse at their wedding celebrations. |
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Format:Chasidic Heritage Series
Kitzur Dinei Taharah - Bi-Lingual |
Kitzur Dinei Taharah presents a general overview of the laws of niddah, mikveh, etc., following the rulings of the Rebbes of Chabad-Lubavitch |
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Seder Kidushin V'Nisuin U'Madrich Meforat |
You are engaged to be married. Mazel Tov! But how prepared are you, halachikly? This definitive guide covers the how to`s and why`s from kinyan to ketubbah signing, from badeken to bentching. |
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Chassidus Mevoeres - Yemei Simchah |
The series Chasidut Mevueret presents classic Chasidic discourses from The series Chasidut Mevueret presents classic Chasidic discourses each is headed by a short introduction, summarizing its content. A line-by-line explanation follows, enabling even the beginner to grasp the concepts of Chasidus.
contains 10 discourses on Bris, Bar mitzva and Wedding |
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Shaarei Shiduchin |
An impressive presentation of the Lubavitcher Rebbe`s knowledge and insight on shiduchin, drawn from talks and discourses as well as public and personal correspondence. |
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Shaarei Nisuin |
Excerpts from the Rebbes teachings on the subject of marriage. The format follows that of the other volumes in the Shaarei series. |
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Shvach HaNisuin |
Laws and customs pertaining to dating and marriage according to Chabad customs. |
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Chosen Yeshuos - Binyan Adei Ad & Hanhagos HaBayis HaYehudi |
Chosen Yeshuot covers the laws and Chabad Minhagim pertaining to the laws of Shidduchim, marriage, shalom Bayit, Family Purity, Pregnancy, Delivery and a short guide to the laws of Yichud as well as a digest of the laws of family sanctity and mikvah. |
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Kesser Shem Tov HaSholeim |
The classic Chasidic work, Keter Shem Tov, is a collection of sayings, teachings, and directives from the founder of the Chasidic movement, first printed more than 200 years ago. |
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Or Torah haSholeim |
A collection of many of the Mezritcher Maggid's explanations of passages in TaNaCH, the Talmud, and the Kabbalah, arranged according to the order of the passages under discussion. |
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Magid D'vorov L'Yaakov |
New edition of the classic collection of chasidic teachings by Rabbi DovBer (The Great Maggid) of Mezeritch, originally compiled by his disciple Rabbi Shlomo of Lotzk. |
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Jewish Living Simply Explained (Goldstein - Seligson) |
Over 130 Jewish Beliefs and Observances Simply Explained Nearly a decade in the making, this unique compendium summarizes dozens of core Chabad teachings that explain and inspire Jewish faith and observance. |
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The Jewish Home - Volume 2 |
The Jewish Home offers a unique appreciation of the mystical and Chassidic meaning of sharing our lives with our spouses, and building a home that stands on the firm foundation of Torah and mitzvos. |
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Secrets of the Mikvah (Pinson) |
In SECRETS OF THE MIKVAH, Rav Pinson delves into the transformative powers of the Mikvah with his trademark all-encompassing perspective that ranges from the literal, Pshat observation and Halachic implications of the texts, to the allegorical, the philosophical, and finally, to the deep secrets of the Mikvah as revealed by Kabbalah and Chassidus. |
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The Second Ladder Up - Secret Steps to a Happy Jewish Marriage |
The Second Ladder Up Secret Steps To A Happy Jewish Marriage This vitally important guidebook gives a couple the tools to achieve growth and harmony in their daily relationship while viewing their marriage from a deeper spiritual dimension. |
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Chassidus Mevoeres - 6 Volumes |
The series Chasidut Mevueret presents classic Chasidic discourses from The series Chasidut Mevueret presents classic Chasidic discourses each is headed by a short introduction, summarizing its content. A line-by-line explanation follows, enabling even the beginner to grasp the concepts of Chasidus.
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