Masechet Tamid - Ner Tamid |
Masechet Tamid expounded and explained includes the pirushum of the Rosh and the Ner Tamid by Rabbi Baruch Bendet, included in this edition is the commentary on Masechet Tamid by the Lubavitcher Rebbe. |
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Shulchan Shabbos, Parshiyos |
Prepared especially for oral presentation at the Shabbat table, here are short, pithy essays perfect for youth based on the works of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. |
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Shulchan Shabbat Shemot |
Prepared especially for oral presentation at the Shabbat table, here are short, pithy essays perfect for youth based on the works of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. |
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Shulchan Chag |
Insight into the Jewish holidays of the entire year culled from the famed Shulchan Shabos series. Prepared especially for oral presentation at the holiday table, here are short, pith essays based on the works of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. |
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Chochmah Yomit vol. 1 - Compact Edition 4˝ x 6˝ |
Daily Wisdom`s 378 daily lessons, are a taste of the Rebbe`s vast and deep teachings, filled with love for G-d, Torah and the Jewish people, pragmatic optimism, and the conviction that evil and negativity will disappear when we learn to emphasize goodness and kindness These ideas are woven together throughout the book. |
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Chochmah Yomit vol. 2 - Compact Edition 4˝ x 6˝ |
Daily Wisdom`s 378 daily lessons, are a taste of the Rebbe`s vast and deep teachings, filled with love for G-d, Torah and the Jewish people, pragmatic optimism, and the conviction that evil and negativity will disappear when we learn to emphasize goodness and kindness These ideas are woven together throughout the book. |
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BeNafsheinu HaDavar Skirah Bitchonit (Eyes Upon the Land) |
If you love Israel, if you live in Israel or know someone who does, you'll want this Hebrew edition of Rabbi Eliyahu Touger's Eyes Upon The Land. The concise essays, based on talks and writings by the Lubavitcher Rebbe from the Six Day War until Gulf War I, uncover the spiritual and historical roots of Arab terror attacks and Israel's imperative to maintain her borders. |
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Shleimut Ha'Aretz |
A collection of talks given by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, prophetically explaining the mortal danger of giving up, or even putting in question, any part of the land of Eretz Yisroel. |
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Tiferes HaShlichus |
This book covers topics specifically pertaining shlichus and breaks them down in an easy-to-read format, based on talks of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. |
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Ymei Brachah - Yoman Eruim Bechodesh Hachagim 5752 |
A magnificent album has just been released entitled "Yemai Bracha." Included is the personal diaries of Chabad Historian Rabbi Eliezer Zaklikovsky, Shliach in Monroe, NJ, of Tishrei 5752, in the court of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, the last Tishrei before the Rebbe suffered a debilitating stroke, the last Tishrei he was in full vigor. |
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Y'mei Breishit |
This book is a documentary of the events that led up to, and became, the first year of the Rebbe's position as Rebbe. It begins on Rosh Hashanah eve, 5710 (1950), some four months before the passing of the previous Rebbe, and continues until Adar of 5711, shortly after the Rebbe had accepted the position. |
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Mekadesh Yisrael |
This meticulously researched and elegantly designed album, encased in a beautiful slipcase, presents a retrospective of a unique period in the early years of leadership of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. |
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