Chochmah Yomit vol. 1 - Compact Edition 4½ x 6½ |
Daily Wisdom`s 378 daily lessons, are a taste of the Rebbe`s vast and deep teachings, filled with love for G-d, Torah and the Jewish people, pragmatic optimism, and the conviction that evil and negativity will disappear when we learn to emphasize goodness and kindness These ideas are woven together throughout the book. |
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Chochmah Yomit vol. 2 - Compact Edition 4½ x 6½ |
Daily Wisdom`s 378 daily lessons, are a taste of the Rebbe`s vast and deep teachings, filled with love for G-d, Torah and the Jewish people, pragmatic optimism, and the conviction that evil and negativity will disappear when we learn to emphasize goodness and kindness These ideas are woven together throughout the book. |
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HaMaor ShebaTorah - 5 Volume Set |
This series presents selections from the Lubavitcher Rebbe`s talks on weekly Torah reading, providing the learner with a indispensable learning tool. |
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Toras Chaim - Shemos Vol. 2 |
A brand new edition of the classic discourses penned by the second Rebbe of Chabad-Lubavitch, who was known for his unique, extensive exposition of Chabad philosophy. |
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Torah Ohr - Alter Rebbe |
First published in 5597 (1837), Torah Ohr is one of the classic texts of Chabad Chasidic philosophy. Since their publication, it has been the custom for Chasidim to study the discourses, weekly, which came to be affectionately known as the "Chasidic Parsha." |
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Chono Ariel - 3 Volume Set |
Discourses on the Torah by Rabbi Yitzchak Isacc Halevi Epstein (1770-1857), Chief Rabbi of Homel. |
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Likkutei Levi Yitzchak - 5 Volume Set |
The writings of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak, father of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, are distinguished by their unique combination of the Revealed and Hidden Torah, and their profound scrutiny of the text of the Zohar and the writings of Kabala and Chassidus.
New updated edition, reviewed and compared to original manuscript. |
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Mamtak L'Shabbat (Wilhelm) |
Collected from the weekly Torah portion we present the Diverei Torah, stories, anecdotes and parables that help us liven up our Shabbat table in Bangkok, Thailand. |
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Tipah Min HaYam vol. 1 |
Tipa Min Hayam, the first volume of the book Nitzotzei Levi Yitzchak, is adapted in an easy and clear format from the extensive and deep teachings of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson, father of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Covering the first three of the Five Books of Moses. Bereishit, Shmot & Vayikra |
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Shulchan Shabbos 5 Volume Set |
Prepared especially for oral presentation at the Shabbat table, here are short, pithy essays based on the works of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. |
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Shulchan Shabbos, Parshiyos |
Prepared especially for oral presentation at the Shabbat table, here are short, pithy essays perfect for youth based on the works of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. |
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Or Torah haSholeim |
A collection of many of the Mezritcher Maggid's explanations of passages in TaNaCH, the Talmud, and the Kabbalah, arranged according to the order of the passages under discussion. |
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Peninei HaShabbos - Breishis - Shmos |
A new presentation of the Lubavitcher Rebbe`s talks on the weekly Torah portions, in the form of Divrei Torah for Shabbos. Maintaining the questions and answer framework, the emphasis is on main ideas and themes, omitting intricate give and take that would give pleasure in a more scholarly setting. |
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