Magid D'vorov L'Yaakov Meforash UMevoar #1 |
New edition of the classic collection of chasidic teachings by Rabbi DovBer (The Great Maggid) of Mezeritch, originally compiled by his disciple Rabbi Shlomo of Lotzk. |
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Chassidus Mevoeres - Maamarim Yesodiyim |
The series Chasidut Mevueret presents classic Chasidic discourses from The series Chasidut Mevueret presents classic Chasidic discourses each is headed by a short introduction, summarizing its content. A line-by-line explanation follows, enabling even the beginner to grasp the concepts of Chasidus. |
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Sefer Hamaamorim 5740 |
A collection of chasidic discourses delivered by the Rebbe in 5740 (1979-1980). Most of the maamorim in the book have never been published before. They were transcribed from tape, video or from the listeners' notes. |
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Toras Menachem Vol. 82 (5736/1) |
This compilation of talks by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, spans the period from 2 Tishrei 5736, through Shabbat Parashat Vayigash 9 Teves 5736. Many of the talks have never before appeared in print and others have never been published in book form. |
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Biurim B'Maamorei Rabbeinu Volume 3 |
Biurim B'Maamorei Rabbeinu Volume 3 explains the Rebbe's Maamorim in a clear and easy to understand manner. It covers selected Maamorim from Tishrei - Av. |
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Otsar Likkutei Sichos - Limud HaTorah |
Anthologized from the Lubavitcher Rebbe`s opus magnum, "Likkutei Sichos," Otzar Likkutei Sichot presents a collection of sichos discussing the topic of Limud HaTora. This fine selection will give the readers a taste of the Rebbe`s prodigious body of work and contribution to Torah scholarship. |
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Yalkut Levi Yitzchok - Megillat Esther & Purim |
Discover Yalkut Levi Yitzchak Al Megillat Esther and Purim—a unique collection of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson’s deep insights on Megillat Esther, presented clearly with notes and references, including explanations from the Lubavitcher Rebbe. |
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HaGaon HaRogatchovi |
In a generation of spiritual greats, Rabbi Yosef Rosen (1858-1936), known as the Rogatchover Gaon, was a giant. The multi-faceted genius of the Rogatchover Gaon is brought to life through vignettes, anecdotes and archival pictures. |
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Heichal HaBaal Shem Tov Vol. 44 |
A journal of chassidic and other Torah thoughts of interest to the Chabad and broader Chassidic and Halachik community.
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HaRambam HaMevoar - Zeraim Vol. 1 |
Expound on the way you learn Rambam, This new edition contains in depth explanations, sources, Halacha L'Maaseh and other relevant topics. |
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HaRambam HaMevoar - Zeraim Vol. 2 |
Expound on the way you learn Rambam, This new edition contains in depth explanations, sources, Halacha L'Maaseh and other relevant topics. |
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Ziv Hasheimos |
This book is a comprehensive compilation of the halachos regarding the naming of a newborn. |
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Maamar Shnei Hameorot |
A lengthy Chasidic exposition on the Talmudic statement that at Creation, the sun and moon were of equal size, but subsequently the moon was diminished due to its complaint. In his unique style, with copious parables, the author, R. Yitzchak Isaac Halevi Epstein of Homel—one of the early disciples of R. Schneur Zalman of Liadi—explains numerous topics in Chasidic philosophy throughout the three sections of this work.
First published in Poltava in 1918, it was reproduced in New York in 1972, at the request of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. The present edition has been split into paragraphs and reset in clear font, with annotations. |
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Ein Lecha Memale Makom |
Ein Lecha Memale Makom encourages the reader to discover the uniqueness and specialty that each person has.
Designed as a 49-step journey through human personality, aligning with the 49 days of Sefirat Haomer. |
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