Torah Chumash 5 Volume Slipcased Set |
This innovative Chumash features a new translation/commentary which weaves Rashi`s commentary - explained according to the Rebbe`s understanding of Rashi - together with the translation of the Torah text. This forms one clear, smooth and easy reading body, accessible even to the beginner and informative to all. |
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Likkutei Dibburim English 5 Vol's Slipcased Set |
The five English volumes that comprise this classic work were translated by Uri Kaploun from the original Hebrew and Yiddish. The newly-published Volume VI includes a number of unique documents, which were written by the Rebbe Rayatz and by other contemporary hands but did not appear in the Hebrew/Yiddish volumes as originally published. They now appear here in English for the first time. |
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Lessons In Tanya Large Edition - Slipcased |
Lessons in Tanya is a linear exposition and commentary on the Tanya of R. Schneur Zalman of Liadi, founder of Chabad philosophy. Beginning as a weekly Yiddish radio program in 1960, Rabbi Yosef Wineberg drew upon teachings received from Chasidic scholars at the renowned academies of Lubavitch in Europe and the writings of seven generations of Chabad Rebbes. |
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Format:6" x 9"
Vedibarta Bam 5 Volume Set - Slipcased |
"vedibarta Bam - And You shall Speak of Them" is a compilation of selected Torah insights, thought-provoking
ideas, homilies and explanations of Torah passages. |
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Lubavitcher Rabbi's Memoirs, 2 Volume Set |
This edition of Memoirs has been given a facelift allowing the reader to better appreciate the gems within. Spruced up with new typesetting and subheadings to divide up each chapter, Memoirs has also been cleared of errors and revised for greater clarity. |
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The Jewish Home - 2 Volume Set |
The Jewish Home offers a unique appreciation of the mystical and Chassidic meaning of sharing our lives with our spouses, and building a home that stands on the firm foundation of Torah and mitzvos. |
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Chasidic Heritage Series 24 Volumes |
The Chasidic Heritage Series is an innovative learning tool that offers user-friendly translations of classic Chasidic discourses. The translations of these typically intricate discourses have been thoughtfully prepared to facilitate the readers thorough comprehension without assuming much prior knowledge. |
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Format:Chasidic Heritage Series
Stories of Tzaddikim Laminated Set (1-120) Machanayim |
120 exciting tales of remarkable Jewish personalities in far away places and times long ago. From Jerusalem to Vilna, Yemen to Vitebsk, accounts of miracles and faith are related in a way that will entertain and stimulate young minds.
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Stories of Tzaddikim Paperback Set (1-120) Machanayim |
120 exciting tales of remarkable Jewish personalities in far away places and times long ago. From Jerusalem to Vilna, Yemen to Vitebsk, accounts of miracles and faith are related in a way that will entertain and stimulate young minds. |
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My Prayer - 2 Volume Set |
The two-volume reissue of this classic work has been completely redesigned beautifully ensconced in a gift-worthy slipcase. Volume two includes additional previously unpublished material, including short essays on Sefirat HaOmer, the Festivals and High-Holiday prayers, Tashlich and Kapparot, Blessing of the New Moon, Eiruv Tavshilin, the Priestly Blessing, Shoshanat Yaakov, Akdamot and Pidyon Haben. |
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Holiday Maamarim 2 Vol Set |
Twenty-two kabbalistic discourses (maamarim) on all the holidays and auspicious times by the Lubavitcher Rebbe Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson; the Alter Rebbe; the Tzemach Tzedek, and the Rebbe Rashab. Two extra Alter Rebbe discourses about time, space and history. Commentary taken from the works of the Tzemach Tzedek. |
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Inside Time - 3 Volumes Slipcased Set |
Inside Time is a three-book series exploring the soul of time as defined by the Torah and as illuminated by chassidic teaching, particularly by the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menchem Mendel Schneerson. The first volume of the series includes 28 essays on the origins and characteristics of time; on the way in which living in time shapes our psyche and behavior; and on the time-cycles and systems that define the trajectories of our lives: the day, the week, the month, the year, and the unique features of the Jewish calendar. |
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Shabbat deLights - 2 Volume Set |
Shabbat deLights is a collection of essays on the Torah portion by acclaimed author, editor and teacher, Chana Weisberg |
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Daily Wisdom 3 volumes - Standard size - Slipcased Set |
Translated and adapted by Rabbi Moshe Wisnefsky, and produced by Chabad House Publications of California, Daily Wisdom summarizes each daily Torah reading and presents an original insight based on the Rebbe's teachings.
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Daily Wisdom 3 volumes - Compact Edition - Slipcased Set |
Translated and adapted by Rabbi Moshe Wisnefsky, and produced by Chabad House Publications of California, Daily Wisdom summarizes each daily Torah reading and presents an original insight based on the Rebbe`s teachings.
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The Steinsaltz/Even-Israel Tanya, 6 Volume Set |
Through vivid explanations and metaphors from our daily lives, along with stories from the lives of hasidim of the past, Rabbi Steinsaltz draws the world of the Tanya into our world, providing a detailed elucidation of foundational concepts in Kabbala and in Judaism in general. |
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