Peninei Torah Vayikra |
Taken from tens of thousands of pages of wisdom from the writings, talks, journals and letters of the Lubavitcher Rebbe that have been distilled into table and lecture friendly thoughts to share with each Torah portion.
Cover may not be in perfect condition! |
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Mahadura Basra HaMevoeres (Alter Rebbe) |
An in-depth commentary and exposition on the intricate laws of Amira Lenochri--asking a gentile to do a halachic prohibition on Shabbat--as they appear in the Shulchan Aruch of Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi. |
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V'ani Tefilosi vol.2 |
Shabbat is a day of spiritual rest and regeneration, when everyone has the opportunity to take an unhurried contemplative approach to prayer. Both in the synagogue and at home, from Kiddush to Havdalah, the Shabbat prayers will assume a new and rich dimension in the light of this comprehensive study. |
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Shiurei Limud Hados - Released Time Album |
Featuring instructive talks and letters of the Rebbes, historic documents, personal essays and mesmerizing photos, the rich, informative and fascinating history of the Released Time Program, founded by the Frierdiker Rebbe under the auspices of the National Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Education and Merkos L`Inyonei Chinuch. |
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Yalkut Moshiach V'Geula vol. 4 - Vayera |
With much material from the treatises and Drashot of major Rabbinical authorities, and the revelations of General Chassidus, as well as basic texts and Rishonim, these overflowing volumes will provide fresh material for anyone interested in studying, teaching, and discussing concepts of Moshiach and Geulah. |
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Yalkut Moshiach V'Geula vol. 5 - Chayei Sarah |
With much material from the treatises and Drashot of major Rabbinical authorities, and the revelations of General Chassidus, as well as basic texts and Rishonim, these overflowing volumes will provide fresh material for anyone interested in studying, teaching, and discussing concepts of Moshiach and Geulah. |
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Yalkut Moshiach V'Geula vol. 6 - Toldos |
With much material from the treatises and Drashot of major Rabbinical authorities, and the revelations of General Chassidus, as well as basic texts and Rishonim, these overflowing volumes will provide fresh material for anyone interested in studying, teaching, and discussing concepts of Moshiach and Geulah
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Yalkut Moshiach V'Geula vol. 8 - Vayishlach |
With much material from the treatises and Drashot of major Rabbinical authorities, and the revelations of General Chassidus, as well as basic texts and Rishonim, these overflowing volumes will provide fresh material for anyone interested in studying, teaching, and discussing concepts of Moshiach and Geulah. |
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Yalkut Moshiach V'Geula vol. 9 - Vayeshev |
With much material from the treatises and Drashot of major Rabbinical authorities, and the revelations of General Chassidus, as well as basic texts and Rishonim, these overflowing volumes will provide fresh material for anyone interested in studying, teaching, and discussing concepts of Moshiach and Geulah.
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Yalkut Moshiach V'Geula vol. 12 - Shemos |
With much material from the treatises and Drashot of major Rabbinical authorities, and the revelations of General Chassidus, as well as basic texts and Rishonim, these overflowing volumes will provide fresh material for anyone interested in studying, teaching, and discussing concepts of Moshiach and Geulah |
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Yalkut Moshiach V'Geula vol. 13 - Va'era |
With much material from the treatises and Drashot of major Rabbinical authorities, and the revelations of General Chassidus, as well as basic texts and Rishonim, these overflowing volumes will provide fresh material for anyone interested in studying, teaching, and discussing concepts of Moshiach and Geulah |
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Yalkut Moshiach V'Geula vol. 14 - Bo |
With much material from the treatises and Drashot of major Rabbinical authorities, and the revelations of General Chassidus, as well as basic texts and Rishonim, these overflowing volumes will provide fresh material for anyone interested in studying, teaching, and discussing concepts of Moshiach and Geulah |
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Yalkut Moshiach V'Geula vol. 16 - Yisro - Mishpotim |
With much material from the treatises and Drashot of major Rabbinical authorities, and the revelations of General Chassidus, as well as basic texts and Rishonim, these overflowing volumes will provide fresh material for anyone interested in studying, teaching, and discussing concepts of Moshiach and Geulah
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Yalkut Moshiach V'Geula vol. 18 - Ki Tissa |
With much material from the treatises and Drashot of major Rabbinical authorities, and the revelations of General Chassidus, as well as basic texts and Rishonim, these overflowing volumes will provide fresh material for anyone interested in studying, teaching, and discussing concepts of Moshiach and Geulah. |
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Yalkut Moshiach V'Geula vol. 19 - Vayakhel Pekudei |
With much material from the treatises and Drashot of major Rabbinical authorities, and the revelations of General Chassidus, as well as basic texts and Rishonim, these overflowing volumes will provide fresh material for anyone interested in studying, teaching, and discussing concepts of Moshiach and Geulah. |
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Yalkut Moshiach V'Geula vol. 21 - Shmini |
With much material from the treatises and Drashot of major Rabbinical authorities, and the revelations of General Chassidus, as well as basic texts and Rishonim, these overflowing volumes will provide fresh material for anyone interested in studying, teaching, and discussing concepts of Moshiach and Geulah.
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Yalkut Moshiach V'Geula vol. 22 - Tazria-Metzora |
With much material from the treatises and Drashot of major Rabbinical authorities, and the revelations of General Chassidus, as well as basic texts and Rishonim, these overflowing volumes will provide fresh material for anyone interested in studying, teaching, and discussing concepts of Moshiach and Geulah. |
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Yalkut Moshiach V'Geula vol. 23 - Acharei-Kedoshim |
With much material from the treatises and Drashot of major Rabbinical authorities, and the revelations of General Chassidus, as well as basic texts and Rishonim, these overflowing volumes will provide fresh material for anyone interested in studying, teaching, and discussing concepts of Moshiach and Geulah. |
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Yalkut Moshiach V'Geula vol. 24 - Emor |
With much material from the treatises and Drashot of major Rabbinical authorities, and the revelations of General Chassidus, as well as basic texts and Rishonim, these overflowing volumes will provide fresh material for anyone interested in studying, teaching, and discussing concepts of Moshiach and Geulah. |
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Yalkut Moshiach V'Geula vol. 25 - Behar-Bechukosai |
With much material from the treatises and Drashot of major Rabbinical authorities, and the revelations of General Chassidus, as well as basic texts and Rishonim, these overflowing volumes will provide fresh material for anyone interested in studying, teaching, and discussing concepts of Moshiach and Geulah. |
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Yalkut Moshiach V'Geula vol. 27 - Shlach-Korach |
With much material from the treatises and Drashot of major Rabbinical authorities, and the revelations of General Chassidus, as well as basic texts and Rishonim, these overflowing volumes will provide fresh material for anyone interested in studying, teaching, and discussing concepts of Moshiach and Geulah. |
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