Sefer Hasichos 5700-5705 Hebrew 3 Vol's |
Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, the sixth leader Chabad-Lubavitch, went beyond his predecessors in developing the Chasidic custom of delivering sichot (informal talks)--incorporating stories and reminiscences that drew and held the attention of his listeners.
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Sefer HaZichronos Hebrew Set |
Hebrew readers can savor the fascinating memoirs of the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe. First published in Yiddish, these memoirs place you at the center of the excitement and joy of Chasidic life from its infancy and on. |
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Lubavitcher Rabbi's Memoirs, 2 Volume Set |
This edition of Memoirs has been given a facelift allowing the reader to better appreciate the gems within. Spruced up with new typesetting and subheadings to divide up each chapter, Memoirs has also been cleared of errors and revised for greater clarity. |
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My Prayer - 2 Volume Set |
The two-volume reissue of this classic work has been completely redesigned beautifully ensconced in a gift-worthy slipcase. Volume two includes additional previously unpublished material, including short essays on Sefirat HaOmer, the Festivals and High-Holiday prayers, Tashlich and Kapparot, Blessing of the New Moon, Eiruv Tavshilin, the Priestly Blessing, Shoshanat Yaakov, Akdamot and Pidyon Haben. |
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Ma Shesipair Li Saba 3-4 |
Jewish stories are part of the heritage of our people, often capturing the essence of Jewish experience. The stories in these volumes will provide hours of reading enjoyment for older children and teenagers. |
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Nifleos HaTevah - 2 Vol's |
| Discover the natural wonders of the animal kingdom through Jewish eyes. From the armadillo to the zebra, the vividly drawn descriptions emphasize the life lessons - based on Jewish teachings - to be learned from every creature. |
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Toras Shmuel - 5633 - 2 Volumes |
The series Likkutei Torah-Torat Shmuel contains the Chasidic discourses of the fourth leader of Chabad, Rabbi Shmuel, the Rebbe Maharash. The present volumes cover the discourses delivered during the year of 5633 (1872-1873). |
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Shabbat deLights - 2 Volume Set |
Shabbat deLights is a collection of essays on the Torah portion by acclaimed author, editor and teacher, Chana Weisberg |
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Holiday Maamarim 2 Vol Set |
Twenty-two kabbalistic discourses (maamarim) on all the holidays and auspicious times by the Lubavitcher Rebbe Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson; the Alter Rebbe; the Tzemach Tzedek, and the Rebbe Rashab. Two extra Alter Rebbe discourses about time, space and history. Commentary taken from the works of the Tzemach Tzedek. |
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V'ani Tefilosi - 2 Volume Set |
Ancient prayers gain modern meaning with this classic commentary. Drawing upon a wide range of sources from Maimonides to the Chasidic masters, the author reveals the deeper messages of the daily prayers and the Grace After Meals. Dr. Mindel transforms rote prayer into a route to ethical living and fulfillment. |
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To Know And To Care 2 volume Set |
Contemporary Chasidic stories about the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi M.M. Schneerson, give a kaleidoscopic picture of his leadership and provide many insights into his personality. |
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