HaTomim - 2 Volume Set |
Before the Nazi hordes forced HaTamim to cease printing, the journal stirred up a storm among intellectual and spiritual lights of the yeshiva world, both within Lubavitch and beyond. Now collected in two volumes, the eight issues (the ninth manuscript was lost in the chaos of war) speak to the soul of a chassid as potently as they did back they were first published in Warsaw. |
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Sefer Hasichos 5700-5705 Hebrew 3 Vol's |
Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, the sixth leader Chabad-Lubavitch, went beyond his predecessors in developing the Chasidic custom of delivering sichot (informal talks)--incorporating stories and reminiscences that drew and held the attention of his listeners.
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Sefer HaZichronos Hebrew Set |
Hebrew readers can savor the fascinating memoirs of the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe. First published in Yiddish, these memoirs place you at the center of the excitement and joy of Chasidic life from its infancy and on. |
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HaMelech B'Mesibo 2 Volumes |
(From 5710 to 5731 (1950-1970), when the Lubavitcher Rebbe would conduct the (Festive Meals) of the Jewish Holidays in the former apartment of the Rebbe Yosef Yitzchak in 770. the Rebbe`s Yom Tov guests were a select group of Chasidim. Conversation focused on Chasidic and halachic themes relevant to the season. |
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Otsar Hisvaaduios - 2 Volumes |
A collection of talks of the Lubavitcher Rebbe`s Hisvaduyos (farbrengens) for the holidays and special occasions through-out the year, from more then 100 volumes of Farbrengens in "Torat Menachem Hisvaduyos" series. |
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Shaarei Geulah - 2 vol. set |
Explanatory essays relating to Moshiach (Our Righteous Redeemer) and the Future to Come, culled from the complete works of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, systematically arranged by topic. |
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Shaarei HaMoadim - Nissan & Pesach 2 volumes |
Compiled from all of the published works of the Rebbe, including discourses, talks, responses, and public letters of encouragement and moral inspiration regarding the holiday of passover. |
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Shaarei HaMoadim - Adar & Purim 2 volumes |
Organized by festival themes with a table of sources, these two handsome volumes develop the actions and attitudes related to the increase of joy in the month of Adar, Themes include Purim Koton, and continuous celebration, the unlimited j spirituality "beyond knowledge" , and the relationship to the liberation of Passover and the Messianic redemption. |
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Torat Menachem - Menachem Tzion |
A selection of the private writings, discourses, talks, and letters of the Lubavitcher Rebbe on the subject of Nichum Aveilim (Consolation of Mourners). |
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Shiurei Halachah L'Maaseh - Orach Chaim |
By Rabbi Solom Dovber Levine, director of the Chabad-Lubavitch Central Library and Archive Center.
A collection of lectures delivered by the author on various matter of practical Halacha based on the Alter Rebbe`s Shulchan Aruch. |
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Shaarei Yehudah #1 - Ksubos, Gittin & Kiddushin |
Profound discussions and explanations on specific Talmudic Tractates studied in yeshivot, by Rabbi Yehudah Eber, legendary Rosh Yeshiva and director of Yeshivat Tomchei Temimim in Warsaw/Otwock, Poland, between 1932 and 1940. |
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