Likkutei Dibburim English 5 Vol's Slipcased Set |
The five English volumes that comprise this classic work were translated by Uri Kaploun from the original Hebrew and Yiddish. The newly-published Volume VI includes a number of unique documents, which were written by the Rebbe Rayatz and by other contemporary hands but did not appear in the Hebrew/Yiddish volumes as originally published. They now appear here in English for the first time. |
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Lubavitcher Rabbi's Memoirs, 2 Volume Set |
This edition of Memoirs has been given a facelift allowing the reader to better appreciate the gems within. Spruced up with new typesetting and subheadings to divide up each chapter, Memoirs has also been cleared of errors and revised for greater clarity. |
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On The Study Of Chasidus |
In the 1940s and 50s, English readers had little access to the vast wealth of Chasidic literature. To fill this void, several fundamental works were selected for adaptation into English. On The Study Of Chasidus, brings you three short essays on this subject to help you better understand this subject. |
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Principles of Education and Guidance |
In this thought-provoking analysis, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak teaches how to assess the potential of any pupil, how to objectively evaluate one`s own strengths, and how to successfully use reward and punishment - methods that will help one become a more effective educator. |
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Format:Chasidic Heritage Series
Four Worlds |
At the core of our identity is the desire to be one with our source, and to know the spiritual realities that give our physical life the transcendental importance of the Torah`s imperatives. In this letter to a yearning Chasid, the Rebbe explains the mystical worlds of Atzilut, Beriah, Yetzirah, and Asiyah . |
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Format:Chasidic Heritage Series
The Second Generation: R. Dovber of Lubavitch - Historical Sketches |
The fourth installment of Historical sketches, this work focuses on the life of R. DovBer Schneuri, second Rebbe of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement. During the years of his leadership, the sun of chabad Chasidism shone with all its might and glory, as this was a time marked by tranquility from opposition and extensive efforts in studying and disseminating the teachings of Chasidut. |
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Events in the Life of Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi - Historical Sketches |
This first installment of Historical Sketches, focuses on the organizational skills of the Chabad-Lubavitch leaders, describing their far-reaching efforts on behalf of the social and communal well-being of their brethren, beginning with the founder of the movement, Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, known as the Alter Rebbe. |
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The Debate in Minsk - Historical Sketches |
In 1783, an important disputation took place in Minsk between leading Misnagdic geonim and R. Schneur Zalman of Liadi. The debate centered around R. Schneur Zalman's philosophy, which was based ont he teachings of the Baal Shem Tov - teachings that the Mitnagdim vehemently opposed. |
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Chassidic Discourses Vol. 2 |
Between 1941 and 1945, the years of cataclysm for European Jewry, the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe published a remarkable monthly journal entitled Hakeriah Vehakedusha "Reading and Holiness." |
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Sefer HaSichos 5700 - English |
This volume presents the first English translation of the talks delivered by the Rebbe Rayatz throughout the whole of the critical year 5700, from late 1939 to late 1940. |
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Sefer HaSichos 5702 - English |
This thought provoking volume of talks delivered in 1942 is projected against an ominous backdrop of three critical threats - the recent threat to Jewish spiritual in the USSR; the then-current threat of the Holocaust to Jewish physical survival in Europe; and the ongoing
non-violent threat to the survival of American Jewry as Jews. |
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Heroic Struggle |
A riveting account... Metzger`s translation of the Rebbe`s diaries and letters vividly portrays the brutality and the repressive tactics of the Russian secret police, even as it captures the Rebbe`s sustained and heroic defiance of tyranny. The book`s inspired message is presented forcefully and eloquent
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Sefer HaSichos 5698-5699 - English |
This volume presents the first English translation of the talks delivered by the Rebbe Rayatz throughout the years 5698-5699 (1937-1940). |
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Lessons in Basi LeGani 5710 |
A Discourse by the Rebbe Rayatz illuminated by the Rebbe
Perfect for scholars and students alike, this volume provides unprecedented access to one of Chabad chassidus's most fundamental texts. The ma'amar explores how we can transform this physical world into G-d's true dwelling place through our divine service, making the deepest concepts in chassidic thought accessible through clear translation and extensive commentary. |
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