What's In a Flame? The Chanukah discourse Ki Atah Neri from Shaarei Orah employs the multiple images of the lamp, the oil, the wick and the different hues of the flame in order to express profound guidance in the divine service of every individual.
The fourth installment of Historical sketches, this work focuses on the life of R. DovBer Schneuri, second Rebbe of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement. During the years of his leadership, the sun of chabad Chasidism shone with all its might and glory, as this was a time marked by tranquility from opposition and extensive efforts in studying and disseminating the teachings of Chasidut.
A biography of the Mitteler Rebbe, Rabbi Dovber of Lubavitch is the second in the series The Rebbeim.
This is a detailed, in-depth never before published look into the life of the Mitteler Rebbe and his remarkable accomplishments in only 14 years of leadership.