Sefer HaSichot Frierdiker Rebbe 7 Volume Set |
Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, the sixth leader Chabad-Lubavitch, went beyond his predecessors in developing the Chasidic custom of delivering sichot (informal talks)--incorporating stories and reminiscences that drew and held the attention of his listeners. |
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Shulchan Aruch 7 Volume Slipcased Set |
Scholars and laymen alike will delight in this brand new edition of this classic halachic work, the complete Shulchan Aruch by Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, first Chabad Rebbe. |
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Sefer Halikkutim 27 Volumes Set |
A sweeping anthology of topics in Chasidic philosophy, organized alphabetically in 27 volumes, adapted from the 40 plus volumes by Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Lubavitch, the Tzemach Tzedek (Or Hatorah, Derech Mitzvotecha, Biurei Hazohar and more). |
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Shiurim B'Sefer HaTanya - Set |
A Hebrew version of the Lessons in Tanya heard on the radio broadcasts that were a highlight of the evening following Shabbat in Greater New York. |
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Maamorei Admur Hoemtzoee 20 Volume Set |
Known for their profound mystical insights, the works of the Mitteler Rebbe, Rabbi Dovber, were delivered at various times and transcribed by himself. |
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Sefer Hasichos 5700-5705 Hebrew 3 Vol's |
Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, the sixth leader Chabad-Lubavitch, went beyond his predecessors in developing the Chasidic custom of delivering sichot (informal talks)--incorporating stories and reminiscences that drew and held the attention of his listeners.
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Sefer HaZichronos Hebrew Set |
Hebrew readers can savor the fascinating memoirs of the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe. First published in Yiddish, these memoirs place you at the center of the excitement and joy of Chasidic life from its infancy and on. |
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Sefer HaMaamorim of the Rebbe, 29 Volume Set |
A collection of Maamorim chasidic discourses delivered by the Lubavitcher Rebbe spanning over 30 years. Most of the maamorim in these volumes are published here for the first time.
Not included in the Free Shipping promo. (Pick Up orders, fee will be waived) |
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Likkutei Sichot - 39 Volume Set |
Not included in Free Shipping Promo. (Pick Up orders, fee will be waived) The complete collection of the Lubavitcher Rebbe`s Likkutei Sichot (selection of talks) on the Torah portions, Jewish & Chasidic Holidays, and other issues that are relevant in our lives. |
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Sefer HaSichos Set - 11 Volumes |
From 5747-5752 (1986-1992) the Lubavitcher Rebbe developed and summarized his message in an unprecedented stream of public addresses, which he painstakingly annotated and prepared for publication. |
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HaMaor ShebaTorah - 5 Volume Set |
This series presents selections from the Lubavitcher Rebbe`s talks on weekly Torah reading, providing the learner with a indispensable learning tool. |
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Shaarei Geulah - 2 vol. set |
Explanatory essays relating to Moshiach (Our Righteous Redeemer) and the Future to Come, culled from the complete works of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, systematically arranged by topic. |
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Biurim L'Peirush Rashi - 5 vol. set |
The Rebbe's unique approach to the study of Judaism's foremost biblical commentator, Rashi, has revolutionized Torah study. Here is a compilation of the Rebbe's analyses of the Rashi text on Torah. |
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Otsar Hisvaaduios - 2 Volumes |
A collection of talks of the Lubavitcher Rebbe`s Hisvaduyos (farbrengens) for the holidays and special occasions through-out the year, from more then 100 volumes of Farbrengens in "Torat Menachem Hisvaduyos" series. |
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Torat Menachem - Menachem Tzion |
A selection of the private writings, discourses, talks, and letters of the Lubavitcher Rebbe on the subject of Nichum Aveilim (Consolation of Mourners). |
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Likkutei Levi Yitzchak - 5 Volume Set |
The writings of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak, father of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, are distinguished by their unique combination of the Revealed and Hidden Torah, and their profound scrutiny of the text of the Zohar and the writings of Kabala and Chassidus.
New updated edition, reviewed and compared to original manuscript. |
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HaTomim - 2 Volume Set |
Before the Nazi hordes forced HaTamim to cease printing, the journal stirred up a storm among intellectual and spiritual lights of the yeshiva world, both within Lubavitch and beyond. Now collected in two volumes, the eight issues (the ninth manuscript was lost in the chaos of war) speak to the soul of a chassid as potently as they did back they were first published in Warsaw. |
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Maamarim Melukatim Admor HaRayatz - 3 Volumes |
The anthology of Chassidic Discourses "Maamarim Melukatim", by Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak, the Sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, is organized by levels with punctuation and vowels in a clear easy to read font. |
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