Torah Ohr on Purim (im Mareh Mekomot VeLikut Peirushim) |
Chasidic Disourses on Megilat Esther from the classic Torah Ohr by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi.
Annotated edition with commentaries culled from the writings of Chabad Rebbes. Compiled by: Rabbis Eliahu Matosov and Dovid Moshe Meisels |
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Haggadah 2 volumes, Im Likkutei Ta'amim Minhagim U'Biurim |
The Rebbe's Haggadah is a comprehensive collection of commentary on the Haggadah. Beginning with a reprint of the Haggadah published by the Rebbe, to talks, letters and discourses culled from over forty years of material. This set makes an excellent gift item. |
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Shulchan Oruch HaRav HaMevoar Hilchos Ribbis - Tiferes HaRav |
This book presents a comprehensive explanation on the prohibition against charging or paying Ribbis. Based on the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch and drawing from various commentaries, this book provides practical scenarios and clear guidance for navigating the complexities of Ribbis. |
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Lessons in Kuntres Heichaltzu |
Heichaltzu, a discourse delivered by the Rebbe Rashab, creates a paradigm shift in human relationships. Through understanding mystical and Chassidic teachings, Heichaltzu gets to the crux of finding unity in diversity. |
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Garments of the Soul - Vayishlach Yehoshua 5736 |
The present publication contains: a discourse - Garments of the Soul; a talk: A Day of Strength; and a brief overview describing the events leading up to the 28th of Sivan, 5701 (1941). This day is now marked annually in Jewish communities around the world, celebrating the day on which the Rebbe began his decades-long revolutionary works of revitilizing Jewish life in the Western Hemisphere and across the globe. |
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Format:Chasidic Heritage Series
HaGaon HaRogatchovi |
In a generation of spiritual greats, Rabbi Yosef Rosen (1858-1936), known as the Rogatchover Gaon, was a giant. The multi-faceted genius of the Rogatchover Gaon is brought to life through vignettes, anecdotes and archival pictures. |
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In Response to Intermarriage |
A Comprehensive Compilation of 148 Letters, Talks and Stories from the Chabad Rebbeim on the subject of intermarriage, many of them includ the original Hebrew text facing the English translation. |
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The Rolling Coin - Board-Book |
This board-book tells a story of a coin who wants to be used for the Mitzvah of Tzedakah. The book features an attached "coin" that children can insert into the various pushkas on each page. |
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The Mitzvah Tank - Board-Book |
This uniquely shaped board-book will inform children about the different Mivtza campaigns of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, including Tzedakah, Tefillin, and Shabbos Candle Lighting. The book doubles as a car that kids can roll around on its wheels. |
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On Time! - Board-Book |
This new board-book educates children on how to read analog clocks. Each page displays a different time (corresponding to the times of davening, meals, etc.) that children can adjust the clock to. A useful tool for educators and parents teaching their children how to read clocks. |
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Our Mitzvah Car - Board-Book |
This car-shaped board-book challenges children to do as many mitzvos as they can in the car. Additionally it educates them about saying Tefillas Haderech and maintaining Ahavas Yisroel when on the road. The book can also be used as a toy car, with its attached wheels. |
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Ahavas Yisroel - Board-Book |
This heart-shaped board-book teaches children about the important Mitzvah of Ahavas Yisroel, and different ways they can accomplish it. Young ones will read about sharing and Bikur Cholim while enjoying the book's vivid illustrations. |
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Chumash with Russian 5 Vol. Slipcased Set 8˝ x 11 |
This innovative Chumash features a new translation/commentary which weaves Rashi`s commentary - explained according to the Rebbe`s understanding of Rashi - together with the translation of the Torah text. |
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Siddur Rabbeinu Hazoken - 3 volumes |
This Siddur is a comprehensive and detailed resource, providing citations and explanations behind the Alter Rebbe’s rulings on Halacha, Nusach, and pronunciation. It also includes hundreds of insights thoughtfully gathered from the writings of the Chabad Rebbes |
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