Weekday Siddur for Youth in English, Weiss Edition |
Designed especially for youth. Not only does it contain all the tefillos you need for davening, it will also help you learn how to daven. Davening is so much more then just saying the words. It also means thinking about Hashem and about your connection to him. |
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A Door That's Never Locked |
The sweet-faced little boy pointing diligently to each word of the Tehillim caught my attention. If only all children could sense the value of these precious moments at the Ohel. Includes My FIRST Maane Lashon |
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Delet Haniftachat Lekulam |
The sweet-faced little boy pointing diligently to each word of the Tehillim caught my attention. If only all children could sense the value of these precious moments at the Ohel. |
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Haggadah L'Yaldei Yisrael |
The Passover Haggadah in a practical and contemporary Hebrew language perfect for youth, combined with some of the the Lubavitcher Rebbe`s annotations on the Haggadah. |
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Divide & Conquer - A Comprehensive Guide to Master Hebrew Reading |
For the first time in English, a fully comprehensive guide will enable you to master the skills to read Hebrew accurately and fluently. From learning letters and vowels to understanding how to divide complicated Hebrew words into their syllables, this step-by-step guide will allow the learner to conquer the challenge of reading Hebrew and do so with confidence. |
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Siddur for Youth - Standard Size |
Bursting with explanation & inspiration, the new Weiss Edition Siddur transforms mere participation into connection & communication! In partnership with Tzivos Hashem. |
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Siddur for Youth - Compact Size |
Bursting with explanation & inspiration, the new Weiss Edition Siddur transforms mere participation into connection & communication! In partnership with Tzivos Hashem. |
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