Otsrot HaMoadim - Chag HaShavuot |
This book contains commentary, thoughts, insights, and expositions adapted from the works of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, on Chag HaShavuot. Organized by subject beautiful and presentable. |
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Matchilim Shanah - Mivchar Michtavim LeRosh HaShanah |
From the letters by the Lubavitcher Rebbe on the jewish new year.
Marked by an effusiveness not found in his other works, here the Rebbe addresses foundational themes in Jewish thought about our purpose and responsibilities as Jews, and articulates them in layman's terms, underscoring the relevance of these ideas today. |
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Yotzim LeCheirut - Mivchar Michtavim LePesach |
From the letters by the Lubavitcher Rebbe on Passover and freedom
Marked by an effusiveness not found in his other works, here the Rebbe addresses foundational themes in Jewish thought about our purpose and responsibilities as Jews, and articulates them in layman's terms, underscoring the relevance of these ideas today. |
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Dvar Melech - Osef Maanos Kodesh Meyuchadim |
A collection of unique notes and answers from the Rebbe, written onto letters sent him. Topics include Eretz Hakodesh, Ahavat Yisroel, Emunah, Health, books and publications, yechidus, birthdays, mashiach among others. |
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HaMelech B'Mesibo 2 Volumes |
(From 5710 to 5731 (1950-1970), when the Lubavitcher Rebbe would conduct the (Festive Meals) of the Jewish Holidays in the former apartment of the Rebbe Yosef Yitzchak in 770. the Rebbe`s Yom Tov guests were a select group of Chasidim. Conversation focused on Chasidic and halachic themes relevant to the season. |
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Peninei Torah Vayikra |
Taken from tens of thousands of pages of wisdom from the writings, talks, journals and letters of the Lubavitcher Rebbe that have been distilled into table and lecture friendly thoughts to share with each Torah portion.
Cover may not be in perfect condition! |
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Petakim Mishulchano Shel HaRebbe Vol. 2 - Previous Edition |
A collection of correspondences with the Lubavitcher Rebbe in his original handwriting covering a wide range of topics, the answers are written in type form as well as the original handwriting, and contains the question as well. |
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Yein Malchus - 3 Volumes |
Elucidations of Mishneh Torah of Rambam (Maimonides), delivered by the Lubavitcher Rebbe since the beginning of the campaign to study Mishneh Torah in 5744 (1984) through 5752 (1992). |
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Haggadah Im Likkutei Ta'amim UMinhagim Im Biur Divrei Shalom |
The present edition includes a running commentary, Dover Shalom, by Chabad scholar Rabbi Shalom D. Levine, with additional annotations. In this edition, Rabbi Levine quotes the full citations of some 1,000 sources referenced, in brief, in the Rebbe’s commentary. |
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Otsros HaMoadim - 5 Volumes |
This set contains commentary, thoughts, insights, and expositions adapted from the works of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, on the months of Elul - Tishrei, Chanukah, Megillat Esther, Haggadah Shel Pesach & Chag HaShavuot. Organized by subject beautiful and presentable. |
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Otsar Likkutei Sichos - Teshuvah |
Anthologized from the Lubavitcher Rebbe`s opus magnum, "Likkutei Sichos," Otzar Likkutei Sichot presents a collection of sichos discussing the topic of "Teshuvah." |
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Otsar Likkutei Sichos - Limud HaTorah |
Anthologized from the Lubavitcher Rebbe`s opus magnum, "Likkutei Sichos," Otzar Likkutei Sichot presents a collection of sichos discussing the topic of Limud HaTora. This fine selection will give the readers a taste of the Rebbe`s prodigious body of work and contribution to Torah scholarship. |
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Haggadah Im Peirush Divrei Menachem |
Culled from the vast array of teachings by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, on the Passover Haggadah and adapted into an easy-to-follow method. Short and concise. |
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