Heichal HaNegina |
An impressive presentation of the Lubavitcher Rebbe`s knowledge and insight on Jewish niggunim (melodies), drawn from talks and discourses as well as public and personal correspondence. |
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Shaarei Bar Mitzvah |
A collection of explanations, lessons and minhagim on the topic of Bar Mitzvah and the Mitzvah of Tefillin. |
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Shaarei Chinuch |
An impressive presentation of the Lubavitcher Rebbe`s knowledge and insight on the subject of education, drawn from talks and discourses as well as public and personal correspondences. |
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Shaarei Emunah |
A collection of responses and explanations on the fundamentals of Jewish belief, culled from the complete works of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. |
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Shaarei Geulah - 2 vol. set |
Explanatory essays relating to Moshiach (Our Righteous Redeemer) and the Future to Come, culled from the complete works of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, systematically arranged by topic. |
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Shaarei HaMoadim - Chanukah |
Learn about the essence of Chanukah, the effect of lighting up the world, and review the customs of these eight days, all through the Rebbe`s incredible scholarship and transcendent point of view that made the public menorah an accepted institution the world over. |
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Shaarei HaMoadim - Shavuot |
A in depth look into the holiday of Shavuot culled from the complete works of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. |
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Shaarei HaMoadim - Nissan & Pesach 2 volumes |
Compiled from all of the published works of the Rebbe, including discourses, talks, responses, and public letters of encouragement and moral inspiration regarding the holiday of passover. |
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Shaarei HaMoadim - Adar & Purim 2 volumes |
Organized by festival themes with a table of sources, these two handsome volumes develop the actions and attitudes related to the increase of joy in the month of Adar, Themes include Purim Koton, and continuous celebration, the unlimited j spirituality "beyond knowledge" , and the relationship to the liberation of Passover and the Messianic redemption. |
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Shaarei HaMoadim - Rosh HaShanah |
An impressive presentation of the Lubavitcher Rebbe`s knowledge and insight on the festival of Rosh Hashana, drawn from talks and discourses as well as public and personal correspondence. |
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Shaarei HaMoadim - Yom Kippur |
A compilation of the Lubavitcher Rebbe's, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, talks, writings and responses on the festival of Yom Kippur.
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Shaarei HaMoadim - Yud & Yud Tes Kislev |
A compilation of the Rebbe's Sichos containing all information relevant to the anniversaries of liberation of Yud and Yud-Tes Kislev, and Chodesh Kislev in general.
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Shaarei Nisuin |
Excerpts from the Rebbes teachings on the subject of marriage. The format follows that of the other volumes in the Shaarei series. |
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Shaarei Shiduchin |
An impressive presentation of the Lubavitcher Rebbe`s knowledge and insight on shiduchin, drawn from talks and discourses as well as public and personal correspondence. |
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Shaarei Simcha U'Bitachon B'Hashem |
An impressive presentation of the Lubavitcher Rebbe`s knowledge and insight on faith and joy in the service of Hashem, drawn from talks and discourses as well as public and personal correspondence. |
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Shaarei Tefillah |
Insights into Tefillah, culled from the Rebbe's talks, public correspondence and other works. |
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Shaarei Shmitah |
Insights into shmitta and hakhel, culled from the Rebbe's talks, public correspondence and other works. |
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Shaarei Megilat Ester |
An anthology of insights on the Megillah selected from the talks and writings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson of blessed memory. |
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Shaarei Pirkei Avos |
Another addition to the well-liked Shaarei series, this supple embossed leatherette cover contains a selection of some of the Lubavitcher Rebbe's commentary on Pirkei Avot. |
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Torat Menachem - Menachem Tzion |
A selection of the private writings, discourses, talks, and letters of the Lubavitcher Rebbe on the subject of Nichum Aveilim (Consolation of Mourners). |
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Hadran - Siyum Masechet Chagigah (Chaf Av 5731) CD & book |
This release – a video of the Rebbe delivering a complex Siyum (Torah dissertation) marking the conclusion of Mesechta (Tractate) Chagiga of Talmud. The DVD is accompanied by a follow-along guide in HEBREW which aids the viewing experience by providing an overview of a structure of the Rebbe’s talk. |
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