Torah Studies |
In this collection of lucid adaptations of the Rebbe's talks on the weekly Torah readings and Jewish holidays, each question is not only resolved but also revealed to be the starting point of a major spiritual search, a journey to the inner sanctum of Torah. |
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Daily Wisdom vol. 1 - Standard size 5½ x 8½ |
Translated and adapted by Rabbi Moshe Wisnefsky, and produced by Chabad House Publications of California, Daily Wisdom summarizes each daily Torah reading and presents an original insight based on the Rebbe`s teachings.
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Daily Wisdom vol. 1 - Compact Edition 4½ x 6½ |
Translated and adapted by Rabbi Moshe Wisnefsky, and produced by Chabad House Publications of California, Daily Wisdom summarizes each daily Torah reading and presents an original insight based on the Rebbe`s teachings.
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Daily Wisdom vol. 2 - Standard size 5½ x 8½ |
Translated and adapted by Rabbi Moshe Wisnefsky, and produced by Chabad House Publications of California, Daily Wisdom summarizes each daily Torah reading and presents an original insight based on the Rebbe`s teachings.
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Daily Wisdom vol. 2 - Compact Edition 4½ x 6½ |
Translated and adapted by Rabbi Moshe Wisnefsky, and produced by Chabad House Publications of California, Daily Wisdom summarizes each daily Torah reading and presents an original insight based on the Rebbe`s teachings.
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Studies in Rashi - Vayikra |
The publication of Studies in Rashi aims to open this unique dimension of the Rebbe`s scholarship to the ever-growing numbers of English speaking students aspiring to serious textual study. |
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Studies in Rashi - Bamidbar |
The publication of Studies in Rashi aims to open this unique dimension of the Rebbe`s scholarship to the ever-growing numbers of English speaking students aspiring to serious textual study. |
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Pearls for the Shabbos Table |
From the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Adaplted by Rabbi Yosef Y. Alperowitz A collection of thoughts on the weekly Torah portions and Jewish Festivals |
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Shabbat deLights - 2 Volume Set |
Shabbat deLights is a collection of essays on the Torah portion by acclaimed author, editor and teacher, Chana Weisberg |
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Torah Chumash - Hardcover Compact Size Synagogue Edition |
The single-volume edition includes an interpolated translation based on the acclaimed interpolated translation originally prepared for the five-volume Kehot Chumash. This interpolated translation renders the text of the Chumash intelligible to the reader, enabling him or her to understand it as Rashi explains it and as the Rebbe’s elucidates Rashi's commentaries.
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Torah Chumash 5 Volume Slipcased Set |
This innovative Chumash features a new translation/commentary which weaves Rashi`s commentary - explained according to the Rebbe`s understanding of Rashi - together with the translation of the Torah text. This forms one clear, smooth and easy reading body, accessible even to the beginner and informative to all. |
Out of Stock |
Garments of the Soul - Vayishlach Yehoshua 5736 |
The present publication contains: a discourse - Garments of the Soul; a talk: A Day of Strength; and a brief overview describing the events leading up to the 28th of Sivan, 5701 (1941). This day is now marked annually in Jewish communities around the world, celebrating the day on which the Rebbe began his decades-long revolutionary works of revitilizing Jewish life in the Western Hemisphere and across the globe. |
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Format:Chasidic Heritage Series
The Inside Story Vol. 3 - Leviticus (Vayikra) |
A Chassidic Perspective on Biblical Events, Laws, and Personalities Based on the works of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Adapted by Yanki Tauber The Inside Story is a journey into the fascinating and empowering world of the Torah’s inner meanings. |
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Knowledge and Faith, Veyodato Hayom |
Delivered on Shabbat Parshat Va`etchanan, Shabbat Nachamu, 5565 (1805), this discourse discusses the fundamental concept of faith in G-d as compared to the imperative to "know" G-D, and the differences between the two. |
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Format:Chasidic Heritage Series
Transforming the Inner Self |
This discourse presents a modern-day prespective on the Biblical command to offer animal sacrifices. Rabbi Schneur Zalman teaches us that each of us possess certain character traits that can lead a person as "animalistic," or materialistic, in nature, which can lead a person toward a life of material indulgence. |
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Format:Chasidic Heritage Series