Seder Tefillos Mikol Hashanah (Siddur Im Dach) 2 Volumes |
Also known as Siddur with Dach. The text of prayer according to the form of the Arizal, as arranged by the Alter Rebbe, with the laws of prayer and the rulings of the Alter Rebbe, and his discourses (known as Dach, meaning Divrei Elokim Chaim), covering every aspect of life. |
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Chono Ariel - 3 Volume Set |
Discourses on the Torah by Rabbi Yitzchak Isacc Halevi Epstein (1770-1857), Chief Rabbi of Homel. |
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Sefer Hamaamarim 5739 |
A collection of chasidic discourses delivered by the Rebbe in 5739 (1978-1979). Most of the maamorim in the book have never been published before. |
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Rashei Prakim, Mitoldot Arbaah Mechabrim |
Pamphlet containing brief biographies of four authors of scholarly works published by Kehot in the 1950s: R. Yehudah Leib of Yanovitch (She’erit Yehudah), R. Hillel of Paritch (Pelach Harimon), R. Avraham David Lavut (Kav Naki), and R. Chaim Chezkiyahu Medini (Sdei Chemed). The biographies were compiled by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, and first appeared as supplements to these works, respectively. |
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Otsar Likkutei Sichos - Klal Yisroel |
Anthologized from the Lubavitcher Rebbe`s opus magnum, "Likkutei Sichos," Otzar Likkutei Sichot presents a collection of sichos discussing the topic of "Klal Yisroel." |
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Chochmah Yomit vol. 1 - Compact Edition 4˝ x 6˝ |
Daily Wisdom`s 378 daily lessons, are a taste of the Rebbe`s vast and deep teachings, filled with love for G-d, Torah and the Jewish people, pragmatic optimism, and the conviction that evil and negativity will disappear when we learn to emphasize goodness and kindness These ideas are woven together throughout the book. |
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Torah Ohr on Purim (im Mareh Mekomot VeLikut Peirushim) |
Chasidic Disourses on Megilat Esther from the classic Torah Ohr by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi.
Annotated edition with commentaries culled from the writings of Chabad Rebbes. Compiled by: Rabbis Eliahu Matosov and Dovid Moshe Meisels |
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Torat Shmuel - 5626 |
The series Likkutei Torah-Torat Shmuel contains the Chasidic discourses of the fourth leader of Chabad, Rabbi Shmuel, the Rebbe Maharash. The present volumes cover the discourses delivered during the year of 5626 (1866). |
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Torat Shmuel - 5628 |
The series Likkutei Torah-Torat Shmuel contains the Chasidic discourses of the fourth leader of Chabad, Rabbi Shmuel, the Rebbe Maharash. The present volumes cover the discourses delivered during the year of 5628 (1868). |
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Toras Shmuel - 5629 |
The series Likkutei Torah-Torat Shmuel contains the Chasidic discourses of the fourth leader of Chabad, Rabbi Shmuel, the Rebbe Maharash. The present volumes cover the discourses delivered during the year of 5629 (1869). |
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Beshaah Shehikdimu 5672 - Vol. 4, NEW EDITION |
"Beshaah Shehikdimu -5672" is the title of a lengthy series of Chasidic discourses by Rabbi Shalom DovBer Schneersohn, fifth Lubavitcher Rebbe (1861-1920). The Rebbe delivered the opening discourse in Lubavitch on the first day of Shavuot, 5672 (1912) and the final one on Shabbat Parshat Vayera, 5676 (1915) in Rostov. |
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Sefer Hamaamarim 5646 - 5650 |
Chasidic discourses by the fifth leader of Chabad-Lubavitch, Rabbi Shalom DovBer Schneersohn, delivered during the years 5646-5650 (1886-1890). |
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Maamorei Chasidus - Admur HaRayatz (Maaynotecha) |
A collection of Maamorim from the Rebbe Rayatz, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak of Lubavitch, elucidated with a clear explanation, sources, notes and explanations of Kabbalic and Chasidic terms. |
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Kuntres Bikur Chicago |
A collection of talks and Chasidic discourses from the Previous Rebbe's visit to Chicago in 1942. |
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Shaar Hakollel |
Three scholarly works on prayer in one freshly reformatted volume both by Rabbi Abraham David ben Judah Leib Lavut (1818-1890), a Rabbi of Nikolayev. |
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