The Ami Letters #2 - Rabbi Shais Taub |
At long last, read and re-read OVER 70 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS culled from years of weekly Ami Magazine columns, addressing real-life issues in the areas of Chinuch & Parenting, Shidduchim, Shalom Bayis, In-Laws, Divorce & Remarriage. |
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Conversations with Zaidy - A Story of Faith |
Conversations with Zaidy is a journey through the deepest fundamentals of judaism, framed as a conversation between a grandfather and grandson exploring various common questions that people have about belief in G-d. |
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Think Jewish |
"Can't I be good without being religious?" "Wouldn't mankind be better off without labels that separate?" "Aren't mitzvot restricting?" The answers, which turn Western thought inside out, are down-to-earth and delivered in deftly polished prose. |
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Staying the Course |
This work is a collection of discourses by the Chabad Rebbes on the unique bond that exists between Rebbe and Chasid that continues after the Rebbe`s passing. |
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Format:Chasidic Heritage Series
An Inner Perspective |
Comprising sixteen essays, the present work was adapted by Rabbi Eli Block from R. Levi Yitzchaks original works as well as from the Rebbes elucidations. |
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Jewish Living Simply Explained (Goldstein - Seligson) |
Over 130 Jewish Beliefs and Observances Simply Explained Nearly a decade in the making, this unique compendium summarizes dozens of core Chabad teachings that explain and inspire Jewish faith and observance. |
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Seeds of Wisdom #1 |
Culled from Jem`s acclaimed My encounter with the rebbe interviews, Seeds of Wisdom is a heartwarming collection of short stories and encounters between the Lubavitcher Rebbe and people who sought his counsel on a wide array of life`s questions and challenges. |
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The Path of Teshuvah - Reclaiming the Self (Pinson) |
Through Teshuvah we are able to return from pain, fragmentation and confusion to a place of greater unity and well-being, to our authentic self. THE PATH OF TESHUVAH - RECLAIMING THE SELF offers a glimpse into a world with-out the damaging influence of past negativity where misdeed is transformed into merit. |
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Garden of Paradox (Pinson) |
The garden of Paradox is a primer on the essential philosophy of Kabbalah, presented as a series of 3 conversations, revealing the mysteries of creator, creation and consciousness. |
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Letters of Light |
As a carpenter employs tools to build a home, so G-d utilized the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew Alphabet, the alef-beis, to form heaven and earth. |
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By Divine Design |
| Rabbi Aaron L. Raskin, author of "Letters of Light" (a chapter-by-chapter study of each of the 22 letters), takes his lifelong love of Alef-Bet and graphic design to the next level in By Divine Design. |
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Why? Reflections on the Loss of a Loved One |
After experiencing several personal losses, Rabbi Vorst put his thoughts, feelings, and conclusions based on Chassidus into writing. The booklet, originally written in Dutch, has since been translated into Hebrew, English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese. It has brought great comfort and solace to many in the days when they were mourning the loss of a loved one. |
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Reclaiming the Self - Spanish (vuelve a ser quien eres) |
Through Teshuvah we are able to return from pain, fragmentation and confusion to a place of greater unity and well-being, to our authentic self. RECLAIMING THE SELF offers a glimpse into a world with-out the damaging influence of past negativity where misdeed is transformed into merit. |
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Inward Bound |
What is kabbalah all about?How can I use kabbalah to help change my life for the better? These are just some of the basic questions that Reb Nissan, as he is called, deals with in this monumental work. |
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Thirty Two Gates (Pinson) |
Into the Heart of Kabbalah & Chassidus.
An authentic and scholarly yet accessible and practical text, that draws upon the entire spectrum of traditional sources and presents a grand and sweeping overview of all the major themes and concepts explored in the deeper teachings of the Torah. |
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