Chosen Yeshuos - Binyan Adei Ad & Hanhagos HaBayis HaYehudi |
Chosen Yeshuot covers the laws and Chabad Minhagim pertaining to the laws of Shidduchim, marriage, shalom Bayit, Family Purity, Pregnancy, Delivery and a short guide to the laws of Yichud as well as a digest of the laws of family sanctity and mikvah. |
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Dover Shalom (Levin) |
| A collection of notes, comments and glosses to the classic, definitive work on Jewish law by Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the Shulchan Aruch Harav. |
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Hilchos Amirah L`Nochry |
This handsome two-tone volume, from the editors of the new, highly acclaimed Shulchan Aruch HaRav series, features an easy-to-use table of contents, extensive footnotes and a comprehensive index and a dazzlingly clear typeface. |
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Kav Noki |
A collection about Hilchos Gittin, and preparing a Get according to Halacha. |
Out of Stock |
Kitzur Dinei Taharah - Bi-Lingual |
Kitzur Dinei Taharah presents a general overview of the laws of niddah, mikveh, etc., following the rulings of the Rebbes of Chabad-Lubavitch |
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Minhagei Yahrtzeit Chabad |
When it is time to remember the one you miss, be prepared. Minhagei Yahrzeit walks you through the customs and observances that will help you mark the anniversary of a passing with meaning and dignity. |
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Otsar Minhagei Chabad - Elul - Tishrei |
An extensive collection of customs, instructions and rulings instituted by the Chabad-Lubavitch Rebbeim and Chasidim related to the months of Elul and Tishrei.
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Seder Hachnosas Shabbos (Alter Rebbe) |
A concise work by the Alter Rebbe, R. Schneur Zalman of Liadi, which analyses the calculations of the times of the onset and conclusion of Shabbat, the halachic definition of sunset and nightfall, and other related topics. This edition contains annotations and charts by Rabbi Sholom DovBer Levine. |
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Seder Kidushin V'Nisuin U'Madrich Meforat |
You are engaged to be married. Mazel Tov! But how prepared are you, halachikly? This definitive guide covers the how to`s and why`s from kinyan to ketubbah signing, from badeken to bentching. |
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Seder Mechiras Chometz (Alter Rebbe) |
Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, founder of the Chabad-Lubavitch Movement, established a unique method by which to sell one`s chometz before Pesach, and published it in his Siddur. Seder Mechiras Chometz presents the text of Rabbi Schneur Zalman`s method, with copious commentary and annotations by Rabbi Sholom DovBer Levine. |
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Sefer Haminhogim Minhogei Chabad - Hebrew |
A small but comprehensive volume, comprising a collection of Jewish Laws and Customs in the practice of the Chabad tradition, gathered over time from the writings and oral directives of the leaders of Chabad. |
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Sefer Taharas Mayim |
A collection of the laws of Mikvaot and their construction, from the vast literature of the earlier and later authorities. All the material is organized for ease of comprehension and ready reference. |
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Sheeiris Yehuda |
Halachic responsa by Rabbi Yehuda Leib of Yanovitch, brother of The Alter Rebbe, Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, author of Tanya and Rav`s Shulchan Aruch. |
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Shiurei Halachah L'Maaseh - Orach Chaim |
By Rabbi Solom Dovber Levine, director of the Chabad-Lubavitch Central Library and Archive Center.
A collection of lectures delivered by the author on various matter of practical Halacha based on the Alter Rebbe`s Shulchan Aruch. |
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Shvach HaBris |
Laws and customs of Bris, Pidyon Haben, Upsherenish and Entry into Cheder |
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Shvach HaNisuin |
Laws and customs pertaining to dating and marriage according to Chabad customs. |
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Shvach Yekor |
What every bar mitzvah boy needs to know. Part one offers precise answers to everyday Tefillin issues. Part two details the actions that will help a bar mitzvah boy and his family mark the day with meaning. In addition, the bar mitzvah Chasidic discourse appears in fully vocalized Yiddish and Hebrew. Buy this in time to read through before the bar mitzvah and keep it on hand as a resource for a lifetime. |
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Yahaduton - Beit Hakneset VeTfilot |
Everything you ever needed to know regarding the laws of a Synagogue and Prayers.
Yahduton series provides first familiarization with Jewish laws and customs in a flowing and simple style. |
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Tikunei Mikvaos Lefi Takonas Rabboseinu - New Edition |
A comprehensive study and digest of the various directives and initiatives concerning the construction of mikvaot found in the writings of the leaders of Chabad-Lubavitch. Of special interest is the recently uncovered mikveh built, more than seventy years ago, by the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe in Rostov, Russia.
A supplemental essay highlights the method of the Sale of Chametz for Passover as codified by The Alter Rebbe, Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi.
New Edition |
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Shaarei Yehudah #1 - Ksubos, Gittin & Kiddushin |
Profound discussions and explanations on specific Talmudic Tractates studied in yeshivot, by Rabbi Yehudah Eber, legendary Rosh Yeshiva and director of Yeshivat Tomchei Temimim in Warsaw/Otwock, Poland, between 1932 and 1940. |
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