By: Rabbi Manis Friedman
Over 200 Hours of Torah now in MP3 Format!
LIVING WITH THE TIMES: The Lubavitcher Rebbe's sichos on the parsha TANYA: Likkutei Amarim, Shaar HaYichud V'HaEmuna, Igeres HaTshuva IT'S GOOD TO KNOW: A set of lectures addressing today's issues HOW TO BE A MENTSCH: Pirkei Avot with the unique insights of the rebbe PERPLEXED NO MORE: The teachings of the great Rambam GET TO KNOW YOUR SOUL: An owner's manual THE RING OF TRUTH: The deeper layer of Torah and the deeper layer of you CHASSIDIC THOUGHTS AT BAIS CHANA: Inspiring and entertaining discussions YOU ARE WHAT YOU BELIEVE: The elements of Jewish faith THE ART OF LIVING: From the published letters of the Lubavitcher Rebbe FAMILY: Getting to like the people you love THE REST OF THE STORY: Stories that speak to the soul POPULAR LECTURES: The Holistic and the Kabbalistic Not for Women only Whats love got to do with it? Why me Moshiach: Its good to know HOLIDAY SERIES: Days of awe, The miracle of Chanuka is us Redemption, Redemption Shavuos: On a little mountain