The series Likkutei Torah-Torat Shmuel contains the Chasidic discourses of the fourth leader of Chabad, Rabbi Shmuel, the Rebbe Maharash. The present volume covers the discourses delivered during the second half of year 5637 (1877).
This volume also includes the famous sequence ("hemshech") of discourses known by its opening word "VeKacha" which discusses, at length, the spiritual significance of the Redemption from Egypt and of the future redemption, as well as other important concepts in Chasidic thought.
Rabbi Shmuel was the first of the leaders of Chabad to compose hemshechim, series of discourses delivered over an extended period. Previously a Chasidic discourse related directly to the occasion of its delivery, a Shabbat, holy day, etc.
In 1945, Kehot began publishing the discourses of the Rebbe Maharash. The first volumes were facsimile copies of the transcriptions of Reb Shmuel Sofer, principal copyist in the village of Lubavitch for many years.