A compilation of Divrei Torah for Shabbos and Yom Tov, based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Written in a clear and simple style for children to read and share at the Shabbos table.
The deeper teachings of the Torah reveal to us that the weekly Torah reading is connected to the unique energetic properties of that week. Every Torah portion, and thus every week, radiates with a particular quality, a distinct energy that, when understood and received, can bring tremendous guidance and assistance to every facet of our lives.
A Chassidic Perspective on Biblical Events, Laws, and Personalities Based on the works of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Adapted by Yanki Tauber The Inside Story is a journey into the fascinating and empowering world of the Torah’s inner meanings.
The single-volume edition includes an interpolated translation based on the acclaimed interpolated translation originally prepared for the five-volume Kehot Chumash. This interpolated translation renders the text of the Chumash intelligible to the reader, enabling him or her to understand it as Rashi explains it and as the Rebbe’s elucidates Rashi's commentaries.