Author: R. Benyomin Walters
Illustrated by:
Publisher: Chassidus Outreach Project
Size: 5 x 5.5
Hard or Soft Cover: hard case
# of pages:
# per case:
Shiurim on the Mitler Rebbe's Shaar Hayichud
vol. 1 Chapters 10-22 MP3 format
Shaar HaYichud of the Mitteler Rebbe is translated and explained here in this exciting project. Termed by the Rebbe Maharash as the “key to the teachings of Chasidut,” this treatise explains the process of Seder Hishtalshelut—the chain-like ordered process of Creation. While Shaar HaYichud is highly detailed and complex, Rabbi Walters has made it accessible, understandable and enjoyable. 18 Hour MP3-CD